From the album Secret Notebook

From the album Secret Notebook


My friend matthew and i
Had recently decided that our parents needed nicknames
Secret nicknames

My mother was fuzz 
'Cause she had a white old lady afro just like the golden girls
Tv's the golden girls

My father was pudlow
Although he was scrawny he was prone to occasional outbursts
Trying to act all authoritative

Matthew's mother was art
'Cause she started making a big fuss about taking up painting once
But she never painted once

Matthew's father was garno
Simply 'cause it rhymed with the name of a dorky-looking offensive lineman
Seattle's john yarno

Matthew told me once
That his father's fingers often curled up when it was cold outside
We called that "doing the garno"

Words adapted from a short story by kevin sampsell
Music by m johnson ©2008 zubsongs, ltd