your end will be your beginning

GREGORY             I thought you were going for a drink.


NICHOLAS           Well, so I was. But then, pulling up to the curb in my expensive silver car,

                                    Gearing up for another saucy night with the girls at the bar,

                                    I thought of you: bursting in here so full of passion, so resilient.

                                    At first I thought you were pathetic. But now I think you're brilliant.


                                    (Music starts Your End Will Be Your Beginning, pg. )


GREGORY             What do you mean, brilliant?


NICHOLAS           Just what I said! 

                                    GENIUSES LIKE YOU

                                    SELDOM EVER DO

                                    GARNER FAME AND FORTUNE WHILE ALIVE.

                                    YOUR PEERS THINK YOU A PAIN

                                    'CAUSE YOU GO AGAINST THE GRAIN.

                                    IT'S A WONDER THAT YOU EVEN CAN SURVIVE.


                                    YES, A GIFTED TYPE LIKE YOU

                                    WILL NEVER BE WELL TO DO

                                    YOU'LL STAY OBSCURE UNTIL YOUR FINAL BREATH.

                                    BUT WHEN YOU BITE THE DUST, GIVE THANKS!

                                    FOR YOU'LL JOIN THE SWOLLEN RANKS

                                    OF THE PAINTERS WHO GET FAMOUS AFTER DEATH.


GREGORY             What are you talking about?


NICHOLAS           I know it sounds cliché,

                                    But behold: exhibit A:

                                    OLD VAN GOGH,

                                    SHOT HIMSELF, YOU KNOW

                                    CUTTING SHORT A PITIFUL CAREER.

                                    HE SOLD ONE WORK,

                                    BRIBED A POSTAL CLERK

                                    AND SENT SOME LUCKY TART PART OF HIS EAR.

                                    RAVING MAD

                                    THE MASOCHIST WAS GLAD

                                    TO GIVE UP ART AND GO OFF LOONY BINNING.

                                    NOW THE MOMA IS HIS HOME AWAY FROM HEAVEN

                                    YES, HIS END WAS HIS BEGINNING.


GREGORY             Oh, come on. That's a tired stereotype.


NICHOLAS           Stereotypes are grounded in reality.

                                    To wit, exhibit B:

                                    PAUL GAUGUIN

                                    WHAT A SELFISH MAN.

                                    HE LEFT HIS WIFE AND KID FOR PARADISE.

                                    DOWN AND OUT,

                                    HE SOON FOUND OUT

                                    THE SOUTH PACIFIC WASN'T VERY NICE.

                                    HAD HE TAKEN A CLASS

                                    INSTEAD OF CHASING NATIVE ASS

                                    HE MIGHT HAVE STOPPED HIS MEAGER FAN BASE THINNING.

                                    NOW HIS YELLOW CHRIST IS TWICE THE PRICE, THANK                                                                                                        HEAVEN.

                                    FOR, HIS END WAS HIS BEGINNING.


                                    (Music continues through the following, shifting to the minor key.)


NICHOLAS           It all reminds me of that exhibit we saw in Poland,

                                    When we were backpacking through Europe. Do you remember?


GREGORY             Yes. A bunch of paintings by an orphaned Jewish girl. So?


NICHOLAS           So? Such an incredible story. That little girl went through Hell.

                                    After the Nazis killed her family, she was smuggled

                                    To safety by a pastor, one Fritz Friedrich, who struggled 

                                    To keep her alive. Well,

                                    FRITZ AND HIS WIFE,

                                    FRIGHTENED FOR HER LIFE,

                                    HID HER WHERE THE NAZIS WOULDN'T LOOK.

                                    BY WEAK CANDLE LIGHT

                                    SHE LABORED DAY AND NIGHT

                                    MAKING LITTLE PAINTINGS IN A BOOK.

                                    THEY CAUGHT FRITZ,

                                    SHIPPED THEM ALL TO AUSCHWITZ,

                                    BUT THE BOOK WAS HIDDEN IN AN UNDERPINNING .

                                    NOW THE PAINTINGS SELL FOR MORE THAN THE COST OF THE                                                                                                         WAR.

                                    YES, HER END WAS HER BEGINNING.


                                    (Music continues through the following, shifting back to major.)


GREGORY             Good for her. I still don't see what this has to do with me.


NICHOLAS           Both artists, both martyrs, both orphans.


GREGORY             Well, Nazis didn't exactly kill my family.


NICHOLAS           No, little adoptive brother, but you had it rough.


GREGORY             I survived.


NICHOLAS           (darkly) True. Now let me tell you how you're going to die—


                                    (Music stops abruptly on a tense chord.)


GREGORY             Wait. What?—


NICHOLAS           You want to die, don't you? You came here tonight to kill yourself.


GREGORY             I changed my mind.


NICHOLAS           Good!  Now listen to me. Don't make another sound.

                                    I'm about to tell you how to get your career off the ground.


GREGORY             How?


NICHOLAS           You're going to commit suicide, Gregory—


GREGORY             But I just told you—


NICHOLAS           (hissing) I'm not finished! 


                                    (Music resumes.)


GREGORY             Go on.



                                    AND PILE THEM ON THE GROUND

                                    MAKE A LITTLE PIRE HERE ON THE FLOOR.

                                    TURN THE OVEN ON ANDWAIT

                                    AS THE GAS FUMES PERMEATE,

                                    THEN THROW AWAY YOUR KEY AND BAR THE DOOR.


                                    ONCE YOU'VE SET THE SCENE

                                    DOUSE YOURSELF WITH GASOLINE

                                    AND, LITTLE BROTHER, HERE'S THE CRUX OF IT:

                                    JUST LIE DOWN ON THE PILE, CATCH

                                    YOUR BREATH, LIGHT A MATCH,

                                    AND BLOW YOURSELF AND EVERYTHING ELSE IN HERE TO BITS!


                                    (Music resumes through the following.)


                                    (laughing merrily) Of course, none of this will be real.

                                    You won't really be dead. You'll be laying low at my place for a while.

                                    Oh, I can see it now. We'll have such a lovely funeral.


GREGORY             You want to stage a funeral? 


NICHOLAS           Stage a funeral, yes. How clever you are.

                                    Soon after, you'll purchase a beat up old used car.


GREGORY             What for?


NICHOLAS           So you can relocate. To the Big City.                   


GREGORY             You want me to fake my own suicide and drive to the Big City?


NICHOLAS           That's right.


GREGORY             Why?                         


NICHOLAS           To get you noticed! 

                                    ONCE THEY LEARN

                                    HOW THE GALLERY BURNED,

                                    AND OF YOUR MALAPROPOS DEMISE;

                                    HOW YOU LIVED ADRIFT,

                                    DESPITE ENORMOUS GIFTS,

                                    DOLLAR SIGNS WILL FLASH IN THEIR EYES.

                                    ONCE THEY FIND

                                    THE WORKS YOU LEFT BEHIND,

                                    WATCH THEIR WILD WEEPING TURN TO GRINNING

                                    WHILE YOUR HEAD'S IN THE SAND, YOU'LL BE IN DEMAND 

                                    AND YOUR END WILL BE YOUR BEGINNING.


GREGORY             But how will I live if I'm dead?



                                    DON'T WORRY ABOUT A THING

                                    LEAVE YOUR PAST BEHIND YOU AND FORGET IT

                                    I'LL ADMINISTRATE

                                    THE SALE OF YOUR ESTATE

                                    AND SEND YOUR CUT THE MINUTE THAT I GET IT


GREGORY             But Amanda, I was thinking—



                                    THE HARPY BROKE YOUR HEART!

                                    SHE'LL FEEL THE LOSS THE MOMENT THAT YOU'RE WINNING 

                                    AS SHE READS ABOUT YOUR WEALTH IN EVERY JOURNAL ON                                                                                                THE SHELF.

                                    YOUR END WILL BE YOUR BEGINNING!


                                    Come on!

                                    YOU WANT FAME?

                                    LIGHTS AROUND YOUR NAME?

                                    DROP THE CURTAIN, BOY AND TAKE A BOW!

                                    YOU'LL RISE WHEN YOU FALL.

                                    TAKE YOUR CURTAIN CALL.

                                    BRING OUT THE FAT LADY NOW.

                                    SING A SWAN SONG.

                                    YOU'VE RUN THE BASES FOR TOO LONG.

                                    THE GAME IS OVER; IT'S THE FINAL INNING.

                                    LEAVE THIS CRUEL, CRUEL WORLD, LIKE THAT LITTLE JEWISH                                                                                                          GIRL.

                                    LIKE, HOGARTH, TURNER, THOMSON,

                                    Cut your losses and move on, son!

                                    LIKE EAKINS AND EL GRECO LET YOUR VOICE FOR EONS                                                                                                      ECHO.

                                    TAKE THE "F" AND "A"- FROM FAMOUS AND PUT "P-O-S-T-U"—                                                                                                Whew!

                                    STOP LIVING LIKE A SHLEP

                                    TAKE THAT EXTRA STEP 

                                    YOUR END WILL BE 

                                    HAPPY AND FREE.

                                    YOUR END WILL BE

                                    BETWEEN YOU AND ME.

                                    YOUR END WILL BE YOUR BEGINNING!



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