Halfway there!

Hey all. I just wanted to write a quick post to report that The Ideal Home Music Library, Vol. 2 is halfway finished. I completed the Sailor's Cat (working title) song two days ago, and that song was the sixth in the collection. You may think it unwise to limit myself to 12 songs. But I don't consider it a limitation. That's the way I work; within walls I can knock down if I want to. The first volume was 12 songs long, so I think another 12 will make things nice and even. I want the two albums to be book ends in a way. That doesn't mean I'll only write 12 songs. I already have way more than twelve song ideas, so, in effect, I'll have 12 songs for the collection no matter how many songs I actually write. See? The album as a whole is taking shape even as I finish each song individually. Sometimes it's necessary to step back and look at the whole picture before proceeding. So I'm going to take a few days off from the IHML and let the whole thing simmer for a bit before I start working on the next song.

The next song on deck is called I'm Cookies For You (if Marian will give me permission to cop her phrase) whose lyrics are giving me trouble. Anyway, until then, here's the sheet music for the Sailor's Cat for you to look at. Bye for now.